Other Club Information

In the Northern Utah area there are several amateur radio clubs that have active web sites and hold club meetings on a regular basis. Additionally, net information and repeater information in the Northern Utah area is also available.

Other Clubs

OARC - Ogden Amateur Radio Club
(Ogden area) +
3rd Saturday
09:00 am
check "Meetings" page
WC Sheriff & ARES
Comm-O Team (Weber County)
1st Saturday
10:00 am
Weber Co Sheriff
Complex Ogden
BARC (Cache County) 2nd Saturday
10:00 am
Cache County Sheriff
Complex Logan
BYUarc (Utah County) 1st Thurs Monthly
7:30 pm
BYU Campus: Location announced on club repeater, 145.330
CSERG (Clearfield area) CSERG Net Wednesdays (except last Wednesday)

8:30 pm

Last Wednesday in person 08:00 pm at Clearfield City Hall
DCARC (Davis County) 2nd Saturday
10:00 am
Davis County Sheriff
Complex Farmington
CACHE ARES (Cache County) 3rd Wednesday
07:00 pm
Cache Co Sheriff
Office Logan
SL CO ARES (Salt County) http://www.slcoares.net/ Salt Lake County ARES
UARC (Salt Lake City) 2nd Thursday
07:30 pm
UofU Warnock Engineering Building Rm 2230
Salt Lake City
GSARC (Box Elder County) 3rd Thursday
06:30 pm
Meetings alternate between 24 East 100 So, Brigham City and Public Services Building, Rocket Road, Tremonton
UDXA (SLC area) 3rd Wednesday
Check web site for details
Check web site for details
Salt Lake City area
UVARC (Utah County) 1st Thursday
06:30 pm
Orem City Council Chamber Room, 56 N State St, Orem
UVHFS (Utah area) Each Tuesday
08:00 pm
2 meter net (weekly)
no eyeball QSO's
WD ARC (Tooele County) 1st Tuesday
07:00 pm
Tooele County Courthouse
WSU ARC (Weber State Univ) 3rd Thursday
05:30 pm
WSU Bldg #4 Room ???

Updated 22 August 2017