Northern Utah Hamfest 2005

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Northern Utah Hamfest 2005

Hamming it up (Standard Examiner feature article)

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Hydrogen fuel cell "Emergency Power" ...

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Fuel cell powered "Special Event Station" W7SU ... 1st ever in Utah

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WC ARES, DC ARC, UVHFS, ARRL and "The Candy Store" were all present ...

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Many attended ............ Kay N7KH, Aaron W7HJK, Clifford W7JVU

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Shane KB7RUT, Kevin KE7BEQ, Randy KA7ZLU ... Maggi N7HCP

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Gary N7ZI (pres) ........ Mel AC7CP (arrl) ....... Grand Prize winner is James KD7SWL

Updated 20 June 2005